Megabyte Bomb التطبيقات

Love Quotes 1.5
Megabyte Bomb
"A world without love would be noworld."Johann Wolfgang von GoetheCollection of the most inspiring love quotes. You can share themwith people you love :)No internet connection required.
Blagues 2.31
Megabyte Bomb
Souriez !Des milliers de blagues hilarantes qui viendront égayer votrejournée ! Vous attendez le bus ?Vous faites la queue ? Vous n'avez rien à faire ? Il vous suffitd'utiliser cette appli pour vous remonter le moral ou offrir unefranche rigolade à votre pote.Les blagues sont classées en 22 catégories : Animaux, Belge,Belle mère, Blague courte, Blonde, Chuck Norris, Combles,Contrepeteries, Devinettes, Enfant, Femme, Histoire drole, Homme,Humour Noir, Les gens célèbres, Les blagues longues, Métiers,Monsieur et Madame, Personnes agées, Population, Religion, Sexe,SMS Humour, Ta mère..., Toto, Voitures.Partagez-les avec vos amis par e-mail, Facebook ou Twitter.Amusez-vous bien !Exemples de blagues :---------------Pourquoi les esquimaux adorent-ils aller au cinéma ?Parce qu'ils se font sucer à l'entracte.---------------Madame téléphone à son mari de son lieu de vacances :- Tout va bien ? Le chat est en forme ?- Non, il est mort !- Tu pourrais me ménager, me préparer à cette terrible nouvelle. Tuaurais pu me dire qu'il se promenait sur le bord du balcon. Etmaman, elle va bien ?- Elle se promenait sur le bord du balcon...---------------- Chéri, tu ne trouves pas que j'ai des petits seins?- Non non... Réponds le mari : mais si, mais non...- Bon écoute je vais te donner une astuce, tu te frottes les seinstout les matins avec du papier cul.- Ha bon !? réponds madame, tu es sur que cela va marcher?- Ca a bien marcher pour ton cul !---------------Quelles sont les mensurations de Maïté ?90 - 60 - 90. Même chose pour l'autre jambe.---------------Bonne rigolade !Smile!Thousands of hilarious jokes that will brighten your day! Youwait for the bus?You make the tail? You have nothing to do? Simply use this app tocheer you up or provide a good laugh at your buddy.The jokes are classified into 22 categories: Animals, Belgian,Belle mother Joking short, Blonde, Chuck Norris, Attic,spoonerisms, riddles, Child, Female, funny History, Human, HumorBlack, Famous People, Jokes, long Crafts Mr. and Mrs., ElderlyPopulation, Religion, Sex, Humor SMS, Your mother ... Toto,Cars.Share them with your friends via email, Facebook or Twitter.Have fun!Examples of jokes:---------------Why Eskimos adore they go to the movies?Because they are sucking at intermission.---------------Mrs. telephone her husband to his vacation spot:- Are you okay? The cat is in good shape?- No, he's dead!- Could you spare me, prepared me for this terrible news. You couldhave told me he was walking on the edge of the balcony. And mother,she okay?- She was walking on the edge of the balcony ...---------------- Honey, do not you think that I have small breasts?- No no ... Answer husband: but if, but not ...- Good listening I'll give you a tip, you rub your breasts everymorning with toilet paper.- Ha good!? answer madame, you are sure this will work?- It has work well for your ass!---------------What are the measurements of Maïté?90 - 60 - 90. Same for the other leg.---------------Good laugh!
Dowcipy 2.55
Megabyte Bomb
Czekasz na autobus ? Nudna lekcja ? Czekasz w kolejce ?Masz pięć minut, żeby poprawić sobie humor lub pośmiać się zeznajomymi ?Wesoła aplikacja zawierająca najlepsze i najśmieszniejszepolskie kawały.Wersja Live! Dodawanie dowcipów, komentarzy, profile, lajki,cuda na kiju. Chuck Norris spojrzał na starą wersję i się zestrachu zaktualizowała.Aplikacja ma także stary tryb offline, więc nie musimy byćpołączeni z siecią, żeby przeglądać kawały.Dziel się nimi z przyjaciółmi! ( facebook, e-mail, twitter, sms,google + ).Niektóre z funkcji:- Ulubione- Komentarze- Profile- Modyfikowalne notyfikacje- SortowaniaPrzykładowe kawały:- A nasza pani Lodzia z księgowości jest morsem!- Kąpie się w przeręblach?- Nie, jest gruba i ma wąsy.Wzrok można stracić szybko. Bardzo szybko. W okadźgnieniu.- Mamusiu, czy ja jestem księżniczką?- Nie, synku. Jesteś debilem!Miłej zabawy!Waitingfor a bus? Boring lesson? Are you waiting in line?You have five minutes to treat yourself or have a laugh with yourfriends?Cheerful application containing the best and funniest Polishjokes.Version Live! Adding jokes, comments, profiles, Laika, miracleson a stick. Chuck Norris looked at the old version and updated withfear.The application is also an old offline, so you do not have to beconnected to the network to view the pieces.Share them with your friends! (Facebook, email, twitter, sms,google +).Some of the features:- Favorites- Comments- Profiles- Customizable notifications- SortSample jokes:- And our lady Lodzia of accounting is a walrus!- Bathes in przeręblach?- No, it is thick and has a mustache.Vision can be lost quickly. Very quickly. In okadźgnieniu.- Mommy, am I a princess?- No, son. You are a moron!Have fun!
Megabyte Bomb
Улыбайтесь!Тысячи потрясающих шуток, которые украсят ваш день! Ждетеавтобус?Стоите в очереди? Нечем заняться? Просто используйте этоприложение, чтобы поднять себе настроение и заставить друзейсмеяться.Есть 22 категорий шуток анекдотов: Авто, ГИБДД, Армия, военные,Блондинки, Вовочка, Врачи, Другое, Животные, Компьютерщики, Мужья ижены, Наркоманы, Национальности, Непристойные, Новые русские, Отцыи дети, Охота, рыбалка, Парни, девушки, Политические, Пьяницы,Секретарши, офисное, туденты, Черный юмор, Эротические.Поделитесь ими с друзьями по эл. почте, через facebook илиtwitter.Веселитесь!Примеры шуток приколов:-----------------В нашей стране бывает только две погоды: "Блин, что ж такхолодно-то?! "и "Б.я, да что ж так жарко?! ".-----------------Армянин женился на русской. Сидят дома. Жена изучает книгу обычаев,нравов и традиций армянского народа и говорит:- Сурен, тут написано, что раньше, в древности, в селениях мужьяпродавали своих жен другим мужчинам. И что, ты бы мог меняпродать?- Я бы тебя подарил.-----------------Приходит новый русский в гости к другому в его новый особняк. Тотему показывает все: холл, бассейн, спортзал... Заходят вванную.- Ой, а че это у тебя плитка такая мелкая?- Мелкая, зато фирменная.- А фирма какая?-Intel.-----------------Что у вас, студент?- Коньяк.- Ооо...Коньяк эт хорошо!- Нет. Коньяк - это "отлично"!-----------------Наслаждайтесь!Smile!Thousands of amazing jokes that will decorate your day! Waiting forthe bus?You stand in line? Nothing better to do? Just use this app to cheeryourself up and make friends laugh.There are 22 categories of jokes, anecdotes: Auto, traffic police,army, military, Blondes, Little Johnny, Physicians, Other Animals,geek, husbands and wives, Narcotics, Nationality, obscene, NewRussian, Fathers and Sons, Hunting, fishing, boys, girls ,Political, drunkards, secretary, office, tudenty, black humor,erotic.Share them with your friends via email. mail, facebook ortwitter.Have fun!Examples of jokes jokes:-----------------In our country, it is only two weather: "Man, what are you socold?"and "B.ya, what are so hot!".-----------------Armenian married a Russian. Sitting at home. His wife is studyingthe book of customs, manners and traditions of the Armenian people,and says:- Suren, it says here that earlier, in ancient times, in thevillages of their husbands sell their wives to other men. So, youcould sell me?- I'd have presented.-----------------Comes a new Russian to visit a friend in his new mansion. That itshows all: hall, swimming pool, gym ... Go to the bathroom.- Oh, and you have a Che is such a small tile?- Small, but firm.- A company which?-Intel.-----------------That you, the student?- Cognac.- Oh ... Cognac floor well!- No. Cognac - is "perfect"!-----------------Enjoy it!
中国笑话 1.0
Megabyte Bomb
浏览您智能手机上最有趣的中国笑话。您可以添加自己的笑话,可以与其他人一起分享笑话,也可以将它们通过电子邮件或短信发送出去。在30个分类中有成千上万个免费笑话。祝您玩得开心!Browse the mostinteresting joke on your smartphone.You can add your own jokes to share the joke with others, they canalso be sent by e-mail or SMS. Thousands of free jokes in 30categories. I wish you to have fun!
Megabyte Bomb
Nejlepší vtipy v kapse!Zasmějte se! U nás najdete nejlepší vtipya příběhy!Tisíce skvělých vtipů, díky kterým bude váš den naprosto bezchyby! Čekáte na autobus?Čekáte ve frontě? Nudíte se? Vyzkoušejte tuto aplikacia zlepšete si náladu nebo rozesmějte svého kamaráda.Vtipy jsou uspořádány do 19 kategorií: Blondýnky, Černýhumor, Doktoři, Hádanky, Chuck Norris, Kameňáky, Lordi, Opilci,Pepíček, Počítače, Policajti, Politika, Rodina, Sex, Somálci,Škola, Ze života, Zvířátka, Ostatní.Sdílejte je se svými přáteli přes e-mail, Facebook neboTwitter.Bavte se!Příklady vtipů:----------Pepíček křičí: "Mami, to maso je hrozně tvrdý!"Maminka odpoví: "Mlč a jez, vždyť víš, že byl dědeček starej!"-------------Pepíček chce bratříčka tak jde do sexshopu říká:"Já chci bratřítka."Prodavač mu podá lahvičku s tabletama a dodává:"Jednu tatínkovi ráno do kafe!"Pepíček to tam nasype všecno, že bude mít víc bratříčků. Druhý denjde znovu do sexshopu chlap mu říká:"Máš bratříčka?"On: "No máma je těhotná, segra je těhotná, já si nemůžu sednout apes nemůže do shodů."-------------Co znamená jedno zrnko rýže na WC?Že somálské dítě celou noc zvracelo.-------------Je krásné ráno. Chlapeček se probouzí a vidí ve svém pokojimodrého králíka. "Kdo jsi?""Já jsem Azurit." "A co tu děláš?" "Kradu ti rifle.""A budeš tady, až se rátím?" "No ty si asi vadnej, ne?"-------------Americký doktor navštíví československou nemocnici a připrohlídce narazí na zamčenou místnost s nápisem AIDS .Český doktor vysvětluje: "Tady máme pacienty s AIDS, dostávajítřikrát denně palačinky.""Palačinky?" diví se americký doktor, to je nějaká nováterapie?""Ne," odpoví český doktor, "ale je to to jediné, co se dá prostrčitpod dveřmi."----------Ať se vám líbí!The best jokes in yourpocket!Laugh! We will find the best jokes and stories!Thousands of great jokes, which will make your day absolutelywithout error! Waiting for a bus?Are you waiting in line? Are you bored? Try this app and improveyour mood or Laugh your friend.Jokes are organized into 19 categories: Blonde, Black Humor,Medical, Riddles, Chuck Norris, killing joke, Lordi, Drunkards,Pepíček, Computers, Cops, Politics, Family, Sex, Somalis, school,From the Life, Animals, Other.Share it with your friends via email, Facebook or Twitter.Have fun!Examples of jokes:----------Pepíček screaming, "Mom, it's so hard meat!"Mom replies, "Shut up and eat, you know, that was an oldgrandfather!"-------------Pepíček brother wants to go to the sex shop says:"I want bratřítka."The salesman hands him a bottle of tabletama and added:"One morning coffee Daddy!"Pepíček pour it since all that will have more brothers. The nextday goes back to the sex shop guy says to him:"You have a brother?"He: "Well, my mom was pregnant sister is pregnant, I can not sitand the dog is not in conformity."-------------What does one grain of rice on the toilet?That Somali child vomited all night.-------------It's a beautiful morning. The boy wakes up and sees in his roomblue rabbit. "Who are you?""I Azurite." "What are you doing here?" "I steal thosejeans.""And you'll be here when the ratio?" "Well, you can probablyvadnej, right?"-------------American doctor and hospital visits Czechoslovakia on a tourencounters a locked room with the word AIDS.Czech doctor explains: "Here we have a patient with AIDS, threetimes a day get pancakes.""Pancakes?" Wonder American doctor, it is a new therapy? ""No," replies the Czech doctor, "but it's the only thing that canbe pushed through the door."----------Whether you like it!
Ανέκδοτα 1.0
Megabyte Bomb
Κάντε περιήγηση στα πιο αστεία τούρκικαανέκδοτα στο smartphone σας. Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε τα ανέκδοτάσας, να τα κοινοποίησετε σε άλλους και να τα στείλετε μέσω email ήμηνύματος. Χιλιάδες δωρεάν ανέκδοτα σε 13 κατηγορίες. Διασκεδάστε!Δεν είναι απαραίτητη η σύνδεση στο ίντερνετ!Jokes in Greek.
Поиск слова 1.3
Megabyte Bomb
«Поиск слова» появился в маркете! Игразаключается в поиске слов, спрятанных в таблице. Сайт "Open Feint"делает возможной запись результатов в сети!В игре три уровня сложности:- Легкий: влова высвечиваются только вертикально игоризонтально.- Средний: появляются по диагонали.- Трудный: слова могут идти назад."Word Search" appeared inthe Market! The game is to find words hidden in a table. Site "OpenFeint" Lets you record the results on the net!The game has three difficulty levels:- Light: vlova displayed only vertically and horizontally.- Medium: appear on the diagonal.- Difficult: words can come back.
Quick Meal 1.3
Megabyte Bomb
Fast & Healthy Meal ? It can be done!Quick Meal app is a growing database of quick and easy recipes thatcan be made in few minutes.- 15 and 30 min recipes only- share recipes with friends- save favorite dishes- 9 categories- search box- frequent updatesEnjoy! :)
Moppen 1.5
Megabyte Bomb
Lach!Duizenden dolkomische grappen, die u een geweldige latenbeleven! Wacht u op een bus?Staat u in de rij? Hebt u niets te doen? Gebruik gewoon deze app omuzelf beter te voelen of om uw vriend aan het lachen te maken.Scherts worden opgeslagen in 17 categorieën: Auto, Belgen,Blondjes, Dieren, Dokter, Flauw, Kerk, Kinderen, Kroeg, Leger,Mannen en vrouwen, Overige, Raadsels, Sex, SMS berichten, Sterren,Werk en beroepen.Deel ze met vrienden via e-mail, facebook of twitter.Veel plezier!Voorbeelden van Moppen:Jantje komt thuis met een heel slecht rapport. Als zijn vaderzijn rapport bekeken heeft zegt hij:"Jij bent ongetwijveld de grootste sukkel die er op aarderondloopt!"Zegt moeder sussend:"Kom kom schat, jij bent er ook nog."Ik zit van de week in een taxi en tik de bestuurder op zijnschouder omdat ik wat wil vragen. De man schrikt zich eendriedubbel ongeluk. Hij zegt sorry hoor dit is mijn eerste dag opde taxi, ik heb altijd in een lijkwagen gereden.Renault: Roest en narigheid acthervolgen u lange tijd.Laugh!Thousands of hilarious jokes, you have a great experience! Areyou waiting for a bus?Are you in line? Have you nothing to do? Just use this app to giveyourself feel better or to your friend to laugh.Jokes are stored in 17 categories: Cars, Belgians, Blondes,Animals, Doctor, Light air, Church, Children, Pub, Army, Men andWomen, Other, Puzzles, Sex, SMS, Star, Work and professions.Share them with your friends via email, facebook or twitter.Have fun!Examples of Jokes:Johnny comes home with a bad report. If his father has viewedhis report he says:"You're ongetwijveld the biggest sucker who on earth runningaround!"Mother says soothingly:"Come on, honey, you're still there."I'm of the week in a taxi and the driver tap on his shoulderbecause I want some questions. The man startled a triple accident.He says excuse me this is my first day on the taxi, I've alwaysdriven in a hearse.Renault: Rust and acthervolgen trouble you long.
Word Search Puzzle 1.5
Megabyte Bomb
Probably the coolest "Word Search" puzzle gameon the market!- Unlimited number of puzzles (fantastic grid generator)- Great design- Hints- Fast growing dictionary- Timer- "Open Feint" - online scores- Facebook connection- 3 difficulty levels:Easy: Words are generated only vertically and horizontallyMedium: Words are generated vertically, horizontally anddiagonallyHard: Words are generated vertically, horizontally, diagonally andbackwardsGame options are shown after pressing "menu" button on aphone.
Funny Jokes Live 2.4
Megabyte Bomb
Smile! Best funny jokes and stories here!Thousands of hilarious jokes, that will make your day awesomeand funny!Every day new jokes!Add your own jokes, comment, like and share laugh with yourfriends.In this funny app you will find:- Thousands of funny jokes in great categories (including: chucknorris, Yo momma jokes, dirty jokes, blonde jokes, andmore,..)- Share funny texts via sms, facebook, twitter, whatsap orsnapchat.- Top notch user interface!- Content that will make you lol, rotfl and laugh your day out!Show this jokes to your grandma and even she will lol and rotfl:) You will find jokes greater than 4chan itself!Examples:-------------------Why don't the Jews like Jesus?Because they believe he wasn't a profit.-------------------Say what you like about these servicemen amputees from Iraq andAfghanistan, but we're going to have a f*cking good Paralympic teamin 2012.-------------------Q: What do you get when you cross a potato with corn?A: Porn-------------------Enjoy !
Украинская жарти 1.0
Megabyte Bomb
Весела аплікація, яка містить найкращіукраїнцькі жарти у 21 категоріях ! Всі жарти приписані доаплікації, тобто нам не треба бути сполученими з Iнтернетом, щоб їхпереглядати.Теги: Україна, цмішні, сміх, яйця, аплікація, смішні смски,жарти, гумор, смішно, жарти, сміх, веселий, український, додатки,UA, Ukrainian, Ukrainian jokes
Wykreślanka 1.7
Megabyte Bomb
Wykreślanka zawitała w Markecie! Gra poleganawyszukiwaniu słów ukrytych na planszy. Serwis "OpenFeint"umożliwia zapisywanie wyników w sieci!- Nieskończona ilość plansz ( zapewnia toświetnygenerator)- Wspaniała grafika- Wyniki online- Podpowiedzi- Animacje- Możliwość przesłania wyniku na Facebooka- Gra uczy poprawnej pisowni oraz ortografii- Wysoka rozdzielczość dostosowana do tabletów- Liczba słów w słowniku zwiększa się z każdą wersjąW grze dostępne są trzy poziomy trudności:- Łatwy: słowa wyświetlają się tylko pionowo i poziomo.- Średni: pojawią się ukosy.- Trudny: słowa mogą losować się wspak.Aby włączyć opcje gry należy nacinąć przycisk "menu"natelefonie.Wykreślanka has arrivedatthe Market! The game involves searching for hidden words ontheboard. Service "Open Feint" You can save the results on the net!- Unlimited number of boards (provides a great generator)- Gorgeous graphics- Results Online- Tips- Animation- Ability to send the result on Facebook- The game teaches spelling and spelling- High resolution adapted to tablets- The number of words in the dictionary increases witheveryversionIn the game there are three levels of difficulty:- Easy: Only words displayed vertically or horizontally.- Medium: ukosy appear.- Difficult: words can spin reels are backwards.To turn on the game options Press the water "menu" button onyourphone.
The Jokes (Ad Free) 1.4.5
Megabyte Bomb
Best jokes here! No internetconnectionrequired! Read them anywhere you want.Jokes are sorted by 25 categories. : Bar Jokes, BlondeJokes,Chuck Norris Jokes, Clean Jokes, Dirty Jokes, Doctor Jokes,FemaleJokes, Funny SMS, Gay Jokes, Golf Jokes, In Soviet Russia,KnockKnock Jokes, Lawyer Jokes, Little Johnny Jokes, Male Jokes,OneLiner Jokes, Other Jokes, Police Jokes, Political Jokes,RacialJokes, Redneck Jokes, Religious Jokes, Stupid Jokes & YoMamaJokes.Features:- Add to favorites- Share with friends- Random joke- Animations- Works offline!